miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2020

Blog N°6: My summer plans

Welcome to my blog N°6, this time I will talk about my plans for this summer. Enjoy it!

Since I was a child, it has been a tradition that every summer I travel to Valdivia with my family to visit an aunt and my cousins. However, I haven't gone with my family for about 2 years, since I work and go out with my friends and girlfriend during the summers. This summer I would like to visit the central coast and its different beaches. I would like to make this trip together with my girlfriend and friends. We also plan to go to Pucon or Villarica, visit their forests, rivers and lakes (and parties jaja). Honestly, since we have been in quarantine for so long, I want to see all my friends and family with whom I have not shared for a long time. I miss them so much, I hope I can share with them, eat or drink something and enjoy a good time together with my loved ones. 
Reñaca | Chile Travel 
Pucón multará a turistas que arrienden alojamientos informales | PORTALPYME

Regarding work this Summer, I plan to return to the Jumbo supermarket, to work as a packagger. Also, due to the panemia, the event centers have closed, so it is but that this summer they can open and i will can to work in El Novillero, washing dishes or attending people. I don't plan to study in the summer, but I do have plans to get to know and discover new things and learn about politics and history. 
Piden protocolo para que empaquetadores de supermercados regresen a sus  trabajos

This summer I hope to do things different from the routine I've had for the last 8 months. I want to go out with my girlfriend, see my friends, participate in freestyle battles, go to parties and enjoy each day as if it were the last of my vacation. 
DEM Battles - El Retorno de las Batallas de Freestyle Callejeras

Blog N°5: My favorite serie

Hello! Welcome back to my Blog. This time I will talk about my favorite series, I hope you like it.

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Without a doubt, my favorite series is "Black Mirror" (you can see all its seasons on Netflix), created by the English Charlton "Charlie" Brooker. I like it because each episode of Black Mirror has a different story, but they have one element in common: hypothesize about the extreme consequences of technological progress in a modern and dystopian environment, with a society affected by technology and social networks ("techno-paranoia").

For example, in its different episodes you can see technology like chips behind the ear to record everything your eyes see, extraction of human consciousness to create holograms alive, popularity in social networks to access benefits, robots that simulate the life of a dead person, hacker attacks and many other elements that make Black Mirror a spectacular series. 

I recommend seeing it, it is very good and the best thing is that you can start with the chapter you want, since the story has no linearity.

I really enjoy short series, where quality of production, script and cast of actors is demonstrated. Currently, I would like to see season 2 and 3 of Shingeki no Kyojin (as season 4 is coming out soon) and Peaky Blinders.

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Blog N°6: My summer plans

Welcome to my blog N°6, this time I will talk about my plans for this summer. Enjoy it! Since I was a child, it has been a tradition that ev...