miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2020

Blog N°3: My favorite movie

Hi! Welcome to my Blog N ° 3. This time I will explain which is my favorite movie, what genre of cinema I like the most, and which was the last movie i saw. I hope you like it! 

My favorite movie is "Corazones de Hierro" (or "Fury") which was directed by David Ayer, and starred Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Jon Bernthal and Michael Peña. It is a film based on the Second World War, where the protagonists must crew and defend an American tank from German attacks. I like it because the cast is top-notch, it has very graphic special effects, which gives a more realistic experience of WWII battles.

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The movie genre I like the most is action movies, adventure movies, science fiction and super heroes.
I really enjoy the special effects, fights, battles, shooting, etc. I constantly ask myself, "How did they do this scene?," and I like to see the "behind the cameras" of my favorite moments in each film. 

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The most recent film I saw was "As above so below". It's a horror movie, which I saw with my girlfriend for the Halloween night (since, because of the pandemic, we couldn't go out trick-or-treating :c). I highly recommend watching it, since it incorporates an element not very common in horror films, which is to tell the story in "first person", which provides a more real and terrifying experience for the viewer.

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4 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Hello Matias, wow what good movies, I like them very much, I have seen both, but without a doubt avengers is my favorite, of the science fiction genre. Thanks for the recommendation of the movie "as above so below", I will see it soon, greetings

  3. Hi Matias! very good recommendations, although personally I prefer less bloody movies hahaha

  4. Hi Mati! I appreciate your recommendation, but I don't like horror movies. However, from what you say about "Fury", I think I`ll see it soon, because it caught my attention :)


Blog N°6: My summer plans

Welcome to my blog N°6, this time I will talk about my plans for this summer. Enjoy it! Since I was a child, it has been a tradition that ev...