lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2020

Blog N°4: My future Job

 Hi! Welcome to my blog number 4, this time it will be about my wishes for future work. Enjoy it!

To be honest, I haven't thought about what kind of job I would like to have, however, I think I have some expectations about my future work. I would like to have a job that brings me closer to the citizens, where I can help solve their problems and contribute to the improvement of their lives.  I imagine myself working in the area of management and administration of my commune (Paine), since there are many citizen demands and social needs that have not been met by the mayors of the last decade. For example, there are many problems with the administration of public funds and their distribution in social programs. 

                 Municipalidad Paine (@painepurochile) | Twitter
To carry out these tasks, I would like to have a 50/50 job: to find the perfect balance between office work and outdoor work. Thus, I would like to travel in my job, but to do it within my commune or neighboring communes, I do not want a job to travel internationally or interregionally. As far as salary is concerned, I hope to have a salary that is enough to support my family and give us certain trips from time to time. I hope to specialize in public fund management or public policy planning, as I feel that at least in my commune these are the weakest areas in terms of municipal management. 

         Funciones de un Administrador Publico - Ciencias Politicas

3 comentarios:

  1. You will get it! You are brilliant and I think that is enough to get that job done right!
    My Ariana Grande says "I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it"

  2. Mati, I`m glad to know that you`ve such a noble goal. I`m proud to be your future colleague (:

  3. Hi Mati! i hope you are fine :) I'm very sure that you will be a excelent public administrator, and i hope that you keep your goals a values.


Blog N°6: My summer plans

Welcome to my blog N°6, this time I will talk about my plans for this summer. Enjoy it! Since I was a child, it has been a tradition that ev...